Fishing on the Cape Fear River |
Waiting out the storm at Mile Hammock Bay |
Sunrise |
Following the tug and barge northbound from Beaufort, NC |
Still travelling with Robinsong across Pamlico Sound and Albermarle Sound |
Dismal Swamp enroute to Norfolk, Virginia |
Last day...Enroute from Norfolk, VA to Rock Hall, MD |
We departed from Southport still travelling with Robinsong. We went up the Cape Fear River and made it to Mile Hammock Bay. We had to wait out some bad weather 1 day before heading on to Beaufort. We had an afternoon to explore the maritime museum. We left the next morning following a tug/barge and travelled past Oriental, the Neuse River and across Pamlico Sound. We managed to make it down the Alligator River and anchored after the Alligator River bridge at East Lake. The next morning we had a great sail across Albermarle Sound and up the Pasquaotock River past Elizabeth City. We went through the first lock, South Mills and entered The Dismal Swamp canal. We stayed overnight at the Dismal Swamp Welcome Centre. We departed at o'dark thirty to meet the next lock opening at 8:30 a.m. We had a perfect weather window to continue past Norfolk and out onto the Chesapeake Bay. At this point we departed from Robinsong as they were carrying on to Boston. We decided to use the good weather to continue north to Rock Hall. It was an overnight sail. Although the forecast was for 10-15 knot East winds overnight, we had 20-25 knot East winds.in the early evening. The wind calmed down overnight, but there was lots of boat traffic with tugs and freighters going up and down the Bay. At dawn we had drizzle. We motorsailed past Annapolis and under the Bay Bridge. We arrived at Spring Cove Marina, Rock Hall on Thursday, April 18 in the late morning. Madelyn Reni, the marina owner greeted us as we tied up Windspell in her old slip. We spent the next couple of days unloading the boat and cleaning it inside preparing Windspell for sale. She has been a great boat for our trip!
It has been a great trip, and we so enjoyed your writing and sharing about the adventures. You sure moved fast. I can't believe you are moving on....