The time has come to depart these waters as it is getting quite nippy. Windspell is looking great and her crew are eagerly anticipating casting off the lines as are many other cruisers also pointing their bows south for warmer climates.
We have enjoyed visits over the past week from our good friends, Laura and Barb and then Dexter. The weather was perfect for our cruise to a quiet anchorage on the Magothy River followed the next day by a wonderful sail to Annapolis where we toured the Naval Academy, shopped the quaint stores and had a great seafood feast at a local restaurant.
We have done "The big shopping", acquiring enough food/provisions for the next month or so as we make our way towards Florida and ultimately the Bahamas. We will restock again in Florida. All systems are at a high level of maintenance and many spare parts have been placed aboard. We have moved into the modern era by acquiring the latest IPad which will allow us to keep connected even without WIFI.
Spring Cove has been a perfect location for us over the past 5 months and we have made some great new friends, some of which we will be playing leap frog with as we head south.
We'll keep you posted,
Donna and Walter